Project Manager

Full Time
11 months ago


| Project Manager |

 Job Type: Full Time

 Place of Employment: Beijing

Our activity fields are international government mandates, regional development and the development of promising business opportunities for clients in China and Europe.
To support our growing Beijing team, we are looking for an experienced project professional, who is ambitious, highly curious, performance driven and who likes to work in international teams. If you are a good communicator, experienced in leading business & government consulting projects and in working in a cross-cultural and multi-lingual environment, we can offer positions and exciting career path as Project Manager where you will take over a key role in handling projects between China,Switzerland and Europe.




1.You play a key role in contributing to consulting and business development projects within our projects you take responsibility in the coordination and communication between Swiss, European and Chinese government as well as associations and private companies

2.Actively play a crucial role in cross-cultural project work, bridging cultural and language barriers between East and West.

3.You compile project reports and deliver customer presentations

4.You work in marketing and communication for clients and join in concept and content development on various projects

5 Represent the company at overseas conferences and events and provide oral and written translation to ensure multilingual project work and output


1、 负责瑞士、欧洲和中国政府机构、协会和企业之间的协调和沟通,。

2、 在跨文化项目工作中积极发挥作用,弥合东西方之间的文化和语言障碍方面发挥关键作用。

3、 负责编写项目报告并给客户讲解演示。

4、 日常客户维护和沟通,并参与各种项目的概念和内容开发。

5、 代表公司出席海外会议和活动并提供口头和书面翻译,以确保多语言项目工作和输出。



1.Bachelor or Master degree in an economic related field, international management, political science or as a language major (preferably English).

2.2–3 years project management experience in an international environment

3.Excellent spoken and written English (German is a plus) language skills are required

4.Strong communication skills and creative thinking and strong analytical thinking







Submit your application to or by phone to Ms. Mi, +86 185 4892 9311


Beijing SHARE, China