4th Edition of the China Partners Academic Forum was a Great Success!

Author: Shanghai BenCham

The 1st China Partners Academic Forum was successfully held in September 2021. Consisting of eight seminars, this one-week forum received numerous compliments from participants and organizers in 2021. The then Belgian Ambassador in Beijing, Mr. Jan Hoogmartens, sent a Letter of Appreciation to Rector Rik Van de Walle following the Closing Reception of this event in his residence. Thanks to this success, the East Asia Platform decided to turn this event into an annual activity, aiming to promote cooperation in scientific research between the partner institutions in China and Ghent University, with a strong focus on diversity, innovation and inclusiveness and covering a wide range of disciplines.




This year’s forum took place from August until November and included 11 webinars/seminars, of which 5 onsite. The following 12 Chinese partner universities and research institutes took part in CPAF 2024:  Chengdu University of Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Liaocheng University, Shandong University, South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Sun Yat-Sen University, Tongji University, Wuhan University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Yunnan University, Zhejiang Normal University and Zhejiang University of Technology. Our alumni in these universities and research institutes played a crucial part in the organization by acting as bridges between Ghent University and the respective Chinese partner institutions.


Prof. Dr. Rik Van de Walle, Rector of Ghent University prepared a video message, which was presented at the start of each webinar.  More than 500 professors, researchers and students participated the CPAF 2024.

On November 16th, an official Closing Reception was successfully organized in a historical building near The Bund in Shanghai in cooperation with the Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association (SORSA) in Shanghai. The event was hosted by Mr. Chi Zhang, representative of Ghent University in Beijing. More than 50 Chinese and Belgian Ghent University alumni were present together with several distinguished guests. Mr. Qing Liu, President of the Benelux Chapter of the Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association, delivered the Opening Remarks. Mr. Pascal Buffin, Consul General of the Kingdom of Belgium in Shanghai, also gave a short speech, which was followed by a speech by Ms. Jian Lu, Deputy General Manager of the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. And Mr. Fan Peng, the Alumni chapter representative in Shanghai, introduced the Ghent University Alumni Chapter - Shanghai

Moreover, Mr. Chi Zhang gave a presentation about the history, organization and figures of CPAF and Prof. Luc Taerwe, Director of the East Asia Platform, awarded Certificates of Appreciation to all the alumni/organizers of the seminars and concluded the formal part of the reception with his Closing Remarks. The fact that all the guests could enjoy some delicious Chinese dishes together with a Belgian beer in a relaxed setting and atmosphere, made this CPAF 2024 Closing Reception once again into a big success.

During this forum, many fruitful achievements of academic cooperation between Ghent University and its Chinese partners were put in the spotlight. So, we are proud to say that with this 4th CPAF edition, we again succeeded in creating some wonderful opportunities for researchers from both sides to exchange academic achievements and provided an ideal platform for our Ghent University alumni to interact with each other.