Former Belgian Prime Minister gives 25 min Interview to CGTN

Author: Shanghai BenCham



Watch the full interview here!

The engagement with China persists beyond the tenure in office, as former leaders actively foster the political will to bridge cultural gaps and promote dialogue and understanding between their nations and China. In this installment of CGTN’s Leaders Talk, CMG's Zou Yun engaged in a discussion with former Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme during his recent visit to explore the reasons drawing him back to China. Leterme shares his perspectives on the recent developments involving Belgium, the European Union, and China. He reflects on China's development and its path toward modernization, expressing continued admiration for China's remarkable infrastructure progress and improved standard of living. Leterme advocates for ongoing cooperation and dialogue between the East and the West, emphasizing the need to address transitional problems and challenges with a level-headed approach. He underscores the significance of interconnectedness, exemplified by China's Belt and Road Initiative.


In the midst of crucial moments in China-EU and China-U.S. relations, Leterme dismisses "decoupling" as an inadequate solution and urges the EU to reduce dependence on the U.S. for security. He commends China for respecting cultural diversity and cautions against believing in media "misrepresentation" of China, highlighting the necessity for increased exposure to Chinese culture in the Western world. Leterme concludes by paying homage to the Chinese individuals who sacrificed their lives during the First World War near Ypres, close to his hometown, considering it a token of solidarity.