November 21: Best of Bencham - Register Closed

Author: Shanghai BenCham

Save the date!

Best of Bencham Award Ceremony!

When? 21 November, evening 

Where? Hyatt on the Bund, Shanghai

Registration for this event has been closed

Who has the brightest ideas?

The 8th edition of Best of BenCham is a great opportunity for your company to be recognized for its outstanding performances and achievements in 2019 among the Benelux community! 

This year the Best of BenCham Awards Ceremony will happily coincide in time and place with the Belgian Economic Mission of H.R.H. Princess Astrid.


What are the awards?

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KBC Best Company Award

In China, innovation is the key idea that is shaping corporate life by helping leaders to conceive unimagined strategic option. Innovation also provides an edge in being able to enter new markets deeper/faster. Being an innovative leader asks for a specific set of skills: temperament/psychology/visionary/collaborative mindset/risk management and so on.

To show why your company should win this award, don’t hesitate to think out of the box! Highlight what you deem necessary to convince us that your company has shown an outstanding performance thanks to an innovative mindset.


  • Why? How innovative is your Mission/Vision/Value?
  • What? Outstanding Business Results
  • How? Share how it is translated into strategy/action


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Da Wo Best Team Award

outstanding achievement in creating link with China and the Chinese business community (our 4th C’s). Synergistic management strategy recognizes cultural difference and similarity and views it as a resource. Intercultural synergy consciously leverages difference as a resource to be creatively used. The company able to accomplish distinctive team work in this context will make the difference.

To show why your company should win this award, be creative! Highlight what make your team stand out of the crowd


  • Why? What are the values, belief and preeminent behavior in your team? How inclusive and cross-cultural mindset it is?
  • What? Impact on business objectives
  • How? Share how it is translated into strategy/action.


Registration for this event has been closed. 


Cancellation policy

Cancellation must be notified more than two business days in advance of event date.